Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tasting-Innocent Bystander Moscato

Name: Innocent Bystander Moscato

Variety: Moscato

Region: Victoria

Country: Australia

Year: 2011

Price: $15.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
“The focus of Innocent Bystander is to produce quality, flavor-driven wines from carefully selected vineyards in the Yarra Valley and beyond.  Over time Steve Flamsteed and his team have increased the level of complexity and texture in the Innocent Bystander wines with greater use of wild fermentations and restrained oak handling.” 

My Review:
This name struck me as interesting... however, I'm still not completely sure how to interpret it even after tasting the wine.  Just looking as the glass was poured, you can notice the extreme carbonation.  The bubbles were almost out of control.  The color of the wine is a nice peachy/rose.  It has a very sweet and fruity taste.  I could pick out grape, berry, melon, and peach flavors.  It kind of reminded me of Welch’s White Grape Peach Juice, which is one of my favorite fruit juices, so I definitely enjoyed it.  Despite how incredibly sweet the taste was, it was still very drinkable.  However, I think after one or two glasses at most, the sweetness would become too much.  For just a glass though, I would highly recommend this if you like sweet flavors.  

Pairings:  I did not taste this with any food, but I think it would be good with a dessert like maybe a plain cheesecake.  I also think it could be good with something simple like a croissant with butter, since the flavor of the wine is already so sweet, it would be nice with a more basic food. 

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