Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tasting- Heinz Eifel Shine Riesling (Week 6)
Name:  Heinz Eifel Shine Riesling

Variety: Riesling

Region: Pfalz

Country: Germany

Year: 2010

Price: $8.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
"Flint and mineral notes accent pineapple and lime aromas, while on the palate, the wine shows plenty of ripe, citrusy fruit flavors.  Tangy acids on the long finish provide balance."

My Review:
This Riesling has a very nice light golden, buttery color.  It has a very zesty, grassy, floral scent.  The taste is extremely sweet, yet somehow, it seems to get even sweeter as it transitions to the aftertaste.  I definitely noticed some floral flavors, along with some peach, grape, and lemon.  It was hard to pick out specific flavors because it's so sweet with a slight tang.  I really liked this wine, but that's not surprising because I generally really like Riesling. So I would definitely recommend this wine.  However, I would only have one or maybe two glasses because it's just so sweet!

Pairings:This would be really good with some kind of a chicken and pasta dish with a cream sauce.  There's this red pesto cream sauce pasta with blackened chicken that I really like from this restaurant near my hometown and I think that this Riesling would be delicious with it!  The sweet flavors would tone down the spiciness of the cajun chicken. 

Tasting- Don Ramon Tinto (Week 6)
Name:  Don Ramon Tinto

Variety: Grenache and Tempranillo

Region: Aragon

Country: Spain

Year: 2008

Price: $7.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
"75% Grenache, 25% Tempranillo.  Aged 3 months in American Oak casks.  Ruby red in color, with creamy aromas of earth and cherry.  Flavor turns towards deeper and darker black cherry and raspberry on a medium framework.  A subtle earthiness underneath the bright fruit adds some depth and complexity."

My Review:
This wine has  a great light redish, pink color with a hint of brownish hues.  It has light/thin legs when swirled.  The scent is very oaky and you can really smell the alcohol.  There are also some cranberry and raspberry scents detected.  The initial taste and mid-palate are very berryish and fruity.  It tastes a little bitter, but not as oaky as the aromas would have indicated.  The aftertaste is a bit tannic and is accompanied with a little bit of heat.  I was not a big fan of this wine, mostly because I don't enjoy the mouth-puckering effect or the ability to taste the alcohol in the wine.

Pairings:  I think this wine could use a very flavorful and juicy food to pair with to compensate for the tannic effects of the wine.  Maybe a juicy steak or a pasta with a good, flavorful sauce. 

Tasting- Resonata Nero D'Avola (Week 6)
Name:  Resonata Nero D'Avola

Variety: Nero D'Avola

Region: Sicily

Country: Italy

Year: 2010

Price: $6.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
"Dense ruby red with violet reflections.  Lush and ripe bouquet full of mulberries, blackberries and spice.  Harmonious and well balanced with good berry fruit in a spicy background."

My Review:
This brownish cranberry/burgundy colored wine had a rather smoky or meaty scent with just the slightest undertones of berry.  I really had to take some time to find the fruity scents because they were so strongly masked by the smoky aroma.  The taste was somewhat sweet initially with a bit of a berry flavor.  However, the taste quickly transitioned to a drier, smokier aftertaste.  It was a little tannic, but not very acidic.  I could also taste a bit of oak in the aftertaste.  This was an interesting wine due to the transition from sweet to smoky.  It's not my kind of wine, but I definitely wouldn't say that it's bad.  So for those who enjoy a non-fruity wine, I would recommend it. 

Pairings:  Due to the meaty scents and flavors of the wine, I think it would really enhance a meal with red meat.  So it would probably pair well with a steak of some sort. 

Tasting- Protocolo Blanc (Week 6)
Name:  Protocolo Blanc

Variety: White Blend (Airen and Macabeo)

Region: Castilla La Mancha

Country:  Spain

Year:  2010

Price: $6.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
"87 Points, Stephan Tanzer.  Greenish gold.  Subtle aromas of mint, lemon, and orange, with a hint of honeysuckle.  Dry, understated and focused, offering clean citrus and melon flavors and slow-building sweetness.  Finishes dry and brisk, with an echo of lemon.  As usual, this is an outstanding value. 

My Review:
This wine is very light in color, almost completely clear.  It has a fruity, floral scent with hints of peach and maybe some grapefruit.  As for the taste, it is very sweet with a more subtle aftertaste.  It has a more floral or grassy taste than the fruity scent implied.  It's a very light wine with a slight touch of acidity.  Overall, it was a good wine.  I enjoyed it but it wasn't anything too special. 

Pairings:  This wine has great pairing potential.  The light and delicate nature of the wine would pair well with almost anything.  It could go well with a light meal such as salad and seafood, but it could also go well with pasta or even meat. 

Tasting- Santolo Vinho Verde (Week 6)
Name:  Santola Vinho Verde

Variety: White Blend

Region: Minho

Country: Portugal

Year: No Vintage

Price: $7.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
"Soft and creamy, although with just right Vinho Verde bite, this is a crisp and clean wine, boasting light pear and pink grapefruit flavors.  Off dry and very fresh."

My Review:
This wine is very light in color with just a golden tint.  It has a very apple-ish and fruity scent.  There's a bit of tang that can be sensed even on the nose.  On the palate, it's very sweet... like apple cider loaded with sugar.  There's a little tang and carbonation.  I actually really liked this wine a lot, so I would definitely recommend it.  However, like most of the sweet wines I like, I think moderation would have to be key with this one.  Any more than a glass or maybe two in one sitting would be too much.

Pairings: I think this wine would be really good with tuna or mahi mahi because the delicate flavors of the fish would be complemented by the sweet, fruity flavor of the wine. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tasting- Glop Priorat (Week 5)

Name: Glop Priorat

Variety: Red Blend

Region: Priorat (Catalonia)

Country: Spain

Year: 2010

Price: $20.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
"Glop is a customer favorite in our retail store and it has a very memorable name which means 'sip' or 'gulp' in Catalan.  Glop is an inky red wine from Priorat with deep plum and blackberry flavors perfect for pairing with grilled chorizo or Iberico pork."

My Review:
This wine has a deep cranberry hue with a hint of purple.  There are some legs, but they're not extremely thick.  There are apple, berry, and oak scents.  It tastes kind of fruity and sweet with a little heat and tannins mixed in.  It's kind of a bitter wine with some cranberry and blackberry tastes.  The aftertaste brings in some slightly oaky flavors.  This wine was decent for a red.  I'm starting to get a little bit used to the oak flavors, but I like how this one had fruity flavors with the oak coming in later.  The name meaning "to gulp" was appropriate because this is a fairly drinkable red blend.  I would probably recommend this wine.  

Pairings: This wine could be good with either a steak or a creamy pasta dish. 

Tasting- Chateau Mas Neuf Rhone Paradox (Week 5)

Name: Chateau Mas Neuf Rhone Paradox

Variety: Red Rhone Blend

Region: Rhone

Country: France

Year: 2009

Price: $11.95

Vintage Cellar Review:"Intense garnet colour.  The nose reveals red fruits (raspberry, redcurrants) combined with subtle hints of eucalyptus and bouquet garni.  Aromas of very ripe fruit, leather and bouquet garni.  The palate is sensual and is distinguished by a good balance of freshness.  The aromas of very ripe fruit, leather and bouquet garni indicate full ripeness of the grapes resulting.  With its subtle tannins the Mas Neuf Rhone Paradox can be tasted now or could be laid down in the cellar for 2 to 5 years."

My Review:
This red blend has a nice cranberry color with thin legs when swirled.  It smells very oaky and a bit alcoholic.  The flavor mimics the scent... it is oaky from the initial taste to the mid-palate and all the way through to the aftertaste.  It has a very smoky taste with a hint of berry flavors.  It's slightly tannic, but not extremely mouth-puckering.  There was a little heat, and it kind of coats the throat.  This was very different, with the heated, smoky flavors, but it was tolerable, just not my style.  

Pairings:  I feel like this might be good with a hearty, red-meat meal like beef wellington.

Tasting- Old Coach Road Chardonnay (Week 5)
Name: Old Coach Road Chardonnay

Variety: Chardonnay

Region: South Island

Country: New Zealand

Year: 2009

Price: $14.95

Vintage Cellar Review:"This is a delightfully satisfying wine full of ripe chardonnay fruit characters intertwined with smooth, supple, spicy oak.  The palate is full and textured, with a clear definition and long lasting flavours."

My Review:This chardonnay has a nice, light buttery golden color.  There are grape and apple scents.  It's a fairly crisp wine with apple and grape tastes that are sweet with a hint of spice.  You don't really taste any oak until the aftertaste, when it really hits you all of a sudden.  It's a very different and interesting wine.  I think it would be good for easing into oaky wines if you're not usually a fan of them.  I usually don't love the oaky wines, but this was pretty good because you could enjoy the sweet and fruity aspects of the wine without being distracted by oak flavor, but then you still get a bit of the oak in at the very end of the taste.  Overall, it's not my favorite wine, but it was good.  It's possibly the first oaky wine I've tried that I didn't dislike. 

Pairings: I did not try this with food, but it might be good with some kind of chicken or pork tenderloin. 

Tasting- Chateau Mas Neuf Rhone Blanc (Week 5)
Name: Chateau Mas Neuf Rhone Blanc

Variety: White Rhone Blend

Region: Rhone

Country: France

Year: 2010

Price: $11.95

Vintage Cellar Review: "Brilliant yellow colour.  The up-front nose uninhibitedly reveals fresh fruit aromas (yellow peaches) that combine with hints of white flowers.  The palate develops fully with a fresh, tonic finish."

My Review:This white blend has a very light buttery color.  It smells of apples and peaches.  The consistency is a little thick, but the flavor isn't all that strong.  There's some melon flavors, with a very light aftertaste.  It smells fruitier than it tastes, but it is still sweet.  This wine was decent, but it didn't really have a "wow" factor for me.  The really fruity aromas led me to believe that this would be a wine filled with delicious, fruity flavors, but I was let down.  The flavors were kind of bland.  Overall, I did not dislike the wine, but I wouldn't have to recommend it to anyone. 

Pairings: I think this wine would taste pretty good with most meals.  It could be really good with a salad and salmon, or maybe some kind of chicken. 

Tasting- Old Coach Road Sauvignon Blanc (Week 5)

Name: Old Coach Road Sauvignon Blanc

Variety: Sauvignon Blanc

Region: South Island

Country: New Zealand

Year: 2011

Price: $14.95

Vintage Cellar Review:"Fresh, lively and intense varietal fruit with delicious passionfruit flavors in the mouth.  Old Coach Road Sauvignon Blanc Wine is nicely integrated and has a long lingering finish."

My Review:This wine was nearly clear, which was to be expected for a Sauvignon Blanc.  It had grape, melon, and peach scents.  The wine was very crisp, but smooth.  It was a little more tangy than other Sauvignon Blancs that I have tasted.  There was decent flavor to the mid-palate, and I could taste grapefruit, melon, and apple flavors.  It wasn't necessarily very sweet, it just had a very strong tang to the taste.  Overall, it was a pretty light wine.  I thought it was decent, it took some getting used to because it was a little different for a white wine for me.  Usually, I feel like rich fruitiness accompanies tang, but I didn't get very strong fruit flavors from this wine. 

Pairings: I did not try this wine with food, but I imagine it would be good with seafood or maybe even a seafood pasta dish with either a cream sauce or a butter sauce. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tasting- Emeri Pink Moscato (Week #4)
Name: Emeri Pink Moscato 

Variety: Moscato 

Region: South East Australia

Country: Australia 

Year: Not Vintage

Price: $13.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
“Pale translucent pink.  Fresh fruit aromas with strawberry and musk.  Mediium sweet, light bodied.  The perfect aperitif on its own or enjoy with fresh fruits or seafood.” 

My Review:
I was really excited to try this wine because I hadn’t loved the other wines of this tasting... they weren’t sweet enough for me.  Generally, I think it’s not too good to have high hopes or expectations for a wine because it generally leads to disappointment.  This time however, I was not let down.  The bubbles were definitely existent but kind of light for a Moscato.  As for the color, I would describe it as a “starfish pink.”  It definitely smelled fruity... like melons and grapefruit.  It had a very tingly taste that started out sweet and tangy.  It then progressed to a softer aftertaste filled with melon, peach, and grapefruit flavors.  It was a little less sweet that most Moscatos.  In my mind that was kind of a good thing because it makes for a milder version that is a little more drinkable.  Usually Moscatos are almost too sweet making it difficult to make it through a glass of it, let alone any more than a glass.  I would highly recommend this wine.  

Pairings: I did not try this wine with food but I think it would be good with a pound cake or maybe some kind of fruit parfait or dessert. 

Tasting- Black Chook Shiraz/Viognier (Week #4)
Name: Black Chook Shiraz/Viognier

Variety: Shiraz/Shiraz Blend

Region: South Australia

Country: Australia 

Year: 2010

Price: $18.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
“International Wine Cellar Jul/Aug 2011 ‘Inky purple.  Vibrant, intensely spicy aromas of blackberry, boysenberry, cracked pepper and fresh flowers.  Elegant, full-bodied black and blue fruit flavors expand nicely, with refreshing mineral bite adding vibrancy.  Very clean, focused shiraz, with excellent energetic finishing lift and cut.’”

My Review:
This wine is primarily Shiraz with only 5% Viognier.  It has a very dark, cranberry color.  It has thick legs that actually have a pink color, so that when you swirl the wine it almost paints the glass in a pretty pink hue.  I have to admit, I really like that quality of this wine.  On the nose, it was very fruity with a hint of acidity.  As for the taste, it was very heavy and tannic which was a little overwhelming.  It made me hard for me to concentrate on any fruit flavors.  However, I did notice that the flavor kind of expanded and developed throughout the taste.  I did not really care for this wine.  It was too heavy for me and too complex, maybe when I’m a more experienced wine taster, I would revisit this one, but it kind of confused me.  

Pairings: I did not try this with food, but it could be good with a pasta with a creamy sauce. 

Tasting- Woop Woop Cabernet (Week #4)
Name: Woop Woop Cabernet

Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon 

Region: Southeast Australia

Country: Australia 

Year: 2009

Price: $12.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
“90 pts International Wine Cellar July/August 2011 ‘...Smells like a $50 Napa cabernet.  Lush, pliant and sweet, with a layered, chewy texture to the flavors of red and black sruits, bitter chocolate and spices.  This is really packed with fruity but there’s a litheness to it as well...A fantastic value...’”

My Review:
This Australian Cabernet Sauvignon is a very pure red color (no purple tones mixed in).  It has semi-thick legs.  There is a very woody or cedar scent with a hint of red berries.  The taste is filled with sweet berry and fruity flavors followed by an extremely woody aftertaste.  It is a bit acidic and hot.  Additionally, it has a slight tang or spice; a little kick to the flavor.  I really haven’t ever tried any cabernets that I particularly care for, but with all things considered, this one was decent for a cabernet.  I would recommend it to those who like cabernets or at least reds that are somewhat dry.  

Pairings: I did not try this wine with food.  I am really kind of weird and I only like cheese if it is melted.  However, I feel like if I did like unmelted cheese, it would be good with this wine.  It could also be good with steak or meatloaf (some kind of hearty meal). 

Tasting- Monte Antico Tuscan Blend (Week #4)
Name: Monte Antico Tuscan Blend

Variety: SuperTuscan Blend (according to

Region: Tuscany

Country: Italy 

Year: 2007

Price: $13.95

Vintage Cellar Review:
“90 points, James Suckling.  ‘Plenty of blackberry and chocolate character, with hints of plums.  Full and very velvety with a bright and fruity finish.  Always one of the best values in Tuscany.  Screw cap.  Delicious now.’”

My Review:
This blend of merlot and cabernet was a red, cranberry color with a hint of brownish hues.  It had basically no legs when swirled.  It had a very heavy, woody scent.  It actually smelled just like a forest with a berry undertone.  Upon tasting, there was initially a berry flavor followed by a kind of watery mid-palate.  The aftertaste was woody and was much stronger than the initial taste or the mid-palate.  The wine was a little tannic and had almost a musky taste.  This wine was decent but not fruity enough for my taste.  I think that for those who enjoy the woody flavor and maybe a little bit of fruitiness without too much sweetness, this would be a good fit.  

Pairings: I did not try this wine with food, but it could be good with beef stroganoff.  I know that’s really random, but that’s just what stands out to me.